Featured Artist, Door County Plein Air Invitational Competition, Exhibit & Auction, 07/09
"Older Than the Tube: Pastel Use & History, Peninsula School of Arts, Door County WI, 07/09
Featured 11 July 2009, painting demonstration, sale and exhibition to raise proceeds for Cooley Gardens, Lansing MI
Download flier for Cooley's Art in the Garden (text page) here
9 July 2009, "Older Than the Tube: A History of Pastel & Plein Air Painting" free presentation, Friends of Cooley Gardens
28 April 2009, Representation with Warm Springs Gallery, Warm Springs Virginia
4 April 2009, Falling in Love with Pastels Workshop 1-4 pm, Plein Air Landscapes 4:30 -7:30 pm
12 March 2009, Technical and Philosophical Discussion on Plein Air and My Work, for more info call Mackerel Sky:517-351-2211
07 March 2009, Plein Air Mini Workshop, register through Mackerel Sky:517-351-2211
July 19 – Aug 4 2009, invitee "Door County Invitational Plein Air Competition, Auction and Exhibition" Door County Plein Air
(Check out the events associated with this largest plein air competition in the Mid-west here)
Workshop August 2008, "Introduction to Painting En Plein Air Using
Pastel", Brownsville MN (send a query)
July 31, 2008, live painting demo, The River Gallery, Chelsea Michigan
(click for location info.)
February 2008, interviewed for Insectapod.com, podcast #6 "The
Art of Entomology"
Generally the most current news is on my blog. You can read that here: